Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lunar Legend Cheats

Unlockable: Sound Test & Music Test

Beat the game once to unlock these options.

Hint: Refresh Characters

If you wish to heal your characters HP and MP fully without finding an Althena statue this is the trick for you. Simply save your game and reload that saved file and your characters will be fully healed. You do not have to turn off the GBA just "save" and then choose to "load".

Hint: Duplicate Items

First, equip the item you want to duplicate and save your game. Next, go into a battle and win it. Then, unequip the item and save again. Finally, while you're still on the save/load menu (do NOT go back into the game field), load the file you have just saved. You should now have a copy of the item.

Correction from Rurouni Dizeru:

You don’t need to go into battle to duplicate. All you have to do is following Zataki’s early instructions, exit to the field (instead of getting into a battle), and then load the menu once more. Remove the items you wanted duplicated, save and immediately load your file. This should do the trick.