Thursday, January 29, 2009

Azurik: Rise of Perathia Cheats

Cheat: Adjust Camera

Quickly Press R, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, Click Right Stick, Click Left Stick. Press BACK to return to the game.
Big Head Mode
To activate Big Head Mode, click the Right Analog, then press R, DOWN, UP, A.
Wear an Afro
To give your character a 'Fro, do the following during gameplay: Press DOWN, RIGHT, BLACK+WHITE, click the Right Analog, click the Left Analog, press Left Analog RIGHT + Right Analog LEFT, then press B, Y. Worth it?
Level Select
While playing, move the joysticks towards one another; move the joysticks away from one another; press A, B, R3, L3.

NOTE: R3 and L3 are not labelled on the Xbox controller; R3 is short for pressing in the right joystick, and L3 is short for pressing in the left joystick.

Restore Full Health and More
Hold the LEFT on the D-pad then rotate the right joystick counter-clockwise starting from the right, passing up, and ending the motion with the joystick pointing left. Release the D-pad and press A then X.

Cheat: Gem Mode
While playing, press RIGHT, LEFT, A, B, A, B, RIGHT, LEFT. You can add various gems by pressing A, B, X, Y, or Black. Any other button continues the game.

Cheat: Invincibility
During gameplay, press X, BLACK, WHITE, LEFT TRIGGER & RIGHT TRIGGER, LEFT ANALOG RIGHT, RIGHT ANALOG LEFT. This will make your character invincible.
Save at Any Point
During gameplay, press WHITE, UP, DOWN, A, B, RIGHT ANALOG STICK LEFT. This will save your game in its current location.
Love the Light
If you find certain areas too dark in Azurik, you can make areas brighter by entering the code: A, R3, B, R3, L3. Note: R3 and L3 are short for clicking in the Right analog stick and the Left Analog stick respectively.